Pain Has Purpose

At the root of optimum health is functional harmony in all bodily systems. When the body experiences interruptions in normal processes, energy (Chi) can become stagnant or stuck causing many symptoms, including pain, that can be treated with Chinese medicine and acupuncture.

Acupuncture is the ultimate anti-inflammatory treatment. The body consists of many myofascial chains which when inflamed typically create spasms and in turn aggravate nerve endings. Upon accurate insertion, a hair-thin needle painlessly releases the restriction thus allowing fresh blood to return to the area. This eliminates the inflammation and quickly reduces pain.

Our acupuncture practice specializes in treating a variety of conditions and is a smart addition to your health & wellness team. We excel at treating athletic injuries, chronic back and neck pain, headaches, repetitive stress disorders, auto accident injuries as well as medical and cosmetic microneedling.

With over 25-years of experience in physical acupuncture, Vincent Valeriano DOM, L. Ac. has treated a variety of different myofascial, muscular-skeletal and neurological disorders.