Acupuncture/Advice/Recommendations Disclaimer:

Chinese Medicine is based on centuries of practice. The FDA does not regulate herbs or food products used for alleviating symptoms of illness, therefore any statements made on, twitter feed or Facebook page are not evaluated by the FDA.

The information provided on is not a substitute for medical care and attention. The advice on this website, twitter feed or Facebook page is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.

We are not responsible for, and will not compensate in any way, any loss or damage related directly or indirectly to the information on, twitter feed or Facebook page. Please use common sense with any advise and information provided.

Session Package Pricing Disclaimer:
When you purchase a package of sessions for either acupuncture or massage, you are given a break on the standard per session pricing. Because of this, we do not honor refunds on unused sessions.

You may use pre-paid sessions from the time of purchase to 3-months. * After 3-months, you may still apply a pre-paid towards your session however you will be responsible for paying the difference between the discounted rate and full-price at the time of service.

*In the unlikely event that Acupuncture Associates relocates to any location greater than 15-miles from the location the package was purchased, you may be eligible for a refund.